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What would you do?

This isn't happening in the United States, yet. Women are being robbed with scissors in Venezuela for their hair! WTW?

The thieves are known as Piranhas...


Celebrities Gone Naturally Wild!

This week has been one Natural Hair-Gasm after another.  We've got Rihanna posting pics on Instagram of her beautiful Naturally Curly Hair...who knew? Wouldn't you like to see her rock her natural hair more often?

AND then....
Oprah OMG! She even changed her Avatar pic on FB with her FRO-tastic cover of O magazine.

Alright girls, who is next?

Ok...time for a cig...jk I don't smoke.  But these ladies are smoking hot with their Natural Hair and the Natural community is buzzing! Sidebar: Oprah may have a little help with hers (just saying).

